No Time For Reading, Dr. Jones. or Men Who Wear Hats.


November 11, 2009 by sandwichcontrol

Indiana Jones.


I had scheduled yesterday so that I would have certain periods, in the late afternoon and early evening, for reading. Those periods of time quickly turned into periods of doing other things. The first period of time turned into hunting down a visual aid for my benchmates’ project in Nutrition. The second period turned into talking to Teacher Sis as she was subbing in Education Technologies. Lame.

So far, Water For Elephants is excellent. I’m like thirty pages in and I am obviously digging it when I schedule periods of time for reading.

Yesterday Pancake Land received the supplies she had been waiting on and we started knocking out this wholesale order again. I managed to get about a tenth of the order packed yesterday in the few hours that I was home in between classes. We should be able to finish it up tonight with both of us packing.

Teacher Sis and I went for tacos last night after her class was over. That makes day five. For five consecutive days I have eaten tacos. I think that the taco well is drying up again. There might be a little bit left in the fridge at the house, but the ingredients are probably starting to shift to the dark side. I’ll check on it when I get home. So, five days seems to be the record. Well, since I started counting anyway. The record was four days. Remember from May? When Little Peddler and G-Man went to the river and Pancake Land and I had the whole house to ourselves. We ate tacos for four days. But, I think that was all we ate. Maybe not, I can’t remember. I’ve slept once, maybe twice, since then.

Lately, I’ve been tossing and turning a lot. Well, at least that is what Pancake Land says I’ve been doing. She might have forgotten to mention some part of the observation though. Hmmmm….

” Hey, babe, I slept for crap last night.”

” Yeah, you tossed and turned (when I poked your butthole) all night.”

Clever girl.



Well, I’m off to work. Pray for tacos. Like Mana from Heaven. More soon. ~SC


  1. TeacherSis says:

    Call your bubinlaw for tacos today. 🙂 He is home alone.

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