Grumble, Grumble.


January 2, 2010 by sandwichcontrol

All of this Holiday business, and in particular the eating part of it, has left my guts in an uproar. I can’t wait to get back to my normal habit of eating seven small meals a day. If only Link would show with a leg of lamb and soothe my upset stomach. Maybe he would bring me some Tums as well.

Yesterday I managed to write most of my first article. It needs a little fine tuning, but for the most part it is done. I need to start working on my second article today. I also managed to get everything except the music done for the year in retrospect video that I am working on. I finally just broke down and rented The Hangover last night. It was pretty funny. I think that it got a little too hyped for me and therefore fell a little short of my expectations, but nonetheless, it was pretty funny.

The plan today is to work on article number 2 and finish the year in retrospect video before being banished from my house for the duration of the Liberty Bowl. This is the last game of the season for the Razorbacks, so I can look forward to not being banished from the house for having terrible luck, that is until next August. My plan for the temporary banishment is to go and see Sherlock Holmes and then make my way to Furious/Mick residence to spend a little time with Dark Wombat who has set up a temporary video game nest over there. He is not long for the states, so I need to try and get in as much time as possible with him before he ships back to the land of the rising sun and ramen noodles.

Mmm…ramen noodles.

The other night, before we headed up the hill to Nicky the Cook’s for New Year’s festivities, we stopped off at Dave’s for a little German food. While we were at his house he introduced me to probably the greatest band ever: Steel Panther. They are a recent band who is spot on for their portrayal of 80’s Hair Metal. I know what you are thinking, you are thinking 80’s Hair Metal sucks. Well, news flash: You Suck. These guys are insanely talented and go all out in their flawless reproduction of a brilliant moment in music. The best thing about Steel Panther is their lyrics. The lyrics are actually the subtext of what every Hair Metal musician in the 80’s was thinking about and doing. It is like Steel Panther read between the lines of every song by Mötley Crüe, Poison, Twisted Sister, Def Leppard, Quiet Riot, etcetera, etcetera, and made wrote down what they read. It is awesome. Wanna see ’em? Here you go:

Words fail to express how awesome this is.

I am really at a loss for words that adequately get my point across. How about I just let them explain it to you.

I guess it is redundant to say this, but the following video contains things that may be unsuitable for children and old people.

Well, Ima go feather my hair, shred up my jeans, and put on some eyeliner. More soon. Death to all, but metal. ~SC


  1. Jess says:


  2. nick says:

    it might be a little late but you need to know that Nicky has a Y in it.

  3. Dave says:

    Please enjoy.

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