Butthole Cleaning 101.


April 20, 2010 by sandwichcontrol

Well, yesterday turned out to a very productive day despite the slow start. There was much accomplished and no real drama typically associated with Mondays. It was quite nice.

We fired the big kiln yesterday, so I was pretty much tied to base all day. That just involved me doing a lot of little tasks, ultimately culminating in spray painting some lawn furniture, which left me high and with a headache. When I returned home (still high), Pancake Land was watching the last hour of New Moon. People who have been spray painting for four straight hours should not ever watch that movie. It is just way too intense. Especially, if all you know of the story line is what was explained to you by a Burger King commercial. Maybe it’s just me, but I like my vampires to not be able to walk around in the sunlight. That’s what makes them vampires and not just cannibals on a liquid diet.

I guess, to satiate my inner high school girl’s lust for vampires and werewolves, I’ll just stick to watching Buffy.

So, I talked to Ojeda the Curve and we worked out some details for the gallery page. It is called The Clay Maker and it is up and running. There is a link on the right hand side of the page. Or you can click here. Pretty friggin’ amazing right?! I want to say thank you to Ojeda the Curve for doing such a badass job on those photos. (insert image of much bowing in awe)

Today we are putting a roof on this room addition that we’ve been working on. Goody. That means lots of hot sun and manual labor on top of a house. I am so not looking forward to that. The worst part is no iPod. We have to communicate with one another on a regular basis, so the day is just going to drag on forever. William Shatner come and save me.

Well, I guess I had better get ready for work. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Excited about a second photo shoot.

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