No Plans Equals Polyatomic Ions.


June 5, 2010 by sandwichcontrol

I don’t have anything planned for today. Which is weird in and of itself. This “day off” presents me with the prefect opportunity to learn all of my polyatomic ions, monatomic ions, elements, and general conversions for my chemistry class. You know, I seem to remember quitting school years ago because of recess.

In addition to homework (lame), I need to weed my garden today. I also could start the cleaning up of the back patio in preparation for making it a human friendly place. My plan is to build a little fire pit, and put some chairs out there, and maybe get a small grill. You know back yard stuff. I just have to think of a way to keep the dogs from destroying my cleaned up area. Good luck with that, right?

I used my step counter yesterday. You know, the one built into my iPod. Well, according to it I took 5,890 steps between 8am and 5pm. That translates to almost 6km.  And just so you know, I sat around and ate a lot yesterday. The food pyramid website suggests that you walk (briskly) about 2.82km a day and that you jog 4km a day. I think the walking close to 6km a day, plus riding my trike to and from work, balances out. Who knew that I was physically fit according to the government? And you wonder why my shoes are always totally destroyed.

Speaking of shoes being totally destroyed, Chaco called yesterday to let me know they were charging my card. This means that my sandals are repaired and are on their way back home to papa. I miss my babies. These WalMart* sandals suck ass. I have already worn the insoles out. That’s like a month worth of wearing them. I should get my money back. I am interested in when I bought them, now. Hold up. Wow. I bought them on May 6th. Jeez. I would give them another month before pieces start falling off of them. Fortunately, I should not have to wear them for more than another week. 3-5 business days. That is how long it should take my sandals to get home. It took three days to get there by FedEx, so hopefully it won’t take too much longer via USPS.

Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to go poop and learn about ions. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. You don’t want a firepit like we have in the garden. LOL

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