I Need A Unit Of Grand Mere, Stat.


August 31, 2010 by sandwichcontrol

Holy crap I am a sleepy boy this morning. It is dark outside, I am cold, and this coffee is not working fast enough. I appears as though, there will be thunderstorms today. Awesome.

Well, today is the first (technically third) day of classes. First off the bat today, Zoology. Luckily my professor sent the lecture outlines out in an email, so I kind of know what to expect. But, not really. I did manage to put off reading my Trig book until the point where I forgot about it until just now. So, therefore, I really have no idea what to expect in there. I’ll find out soon enough.

If my memory serves me correctly, I think Jackie the Mick and I have a break around the same time today. Maybe we can sit down for a cup of coffee between the drudgery. I can try to wrangle up Back Alley Trey, Sweet Bread, and Shamrock as well. Coffee party!

Crap. Why is it so early? Why must the required classes for my degree be at 8 in the morning? Scientists don’t get up early. They stay up all night drinking coffee in the lab. This is bullshit. I want my money back. I just had the scary thought of wondering if I paid all of the bills this month. Great.

Well, I had better go double check that. Wish me luck today. I’ll leave you with this photo of a baby platypus.

Who knew they were so cute?

More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    Who knew? I did.

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