This is an Official Time-Out.


December 19, 2010 by sandwichcontrol

Yesterday was rather uneventful. Teacher Sis and I went to run a few errands amongst the hoards of X-Mas shoppers who were brimming with Christmas spirit and just dying to show it off. By this, I mean everyone was being a total asshole. People were rude. They were inconsiderate. They were cutting off other cars and just generally jamming their collective dicks in that thing we call driving an automobile. They were honking their horns and flipping the bird to show the world how much their Lord and Savior means to them. Ain’t Christmas grand?

Needless to say, I couldn’t resist the urge to join in with the festivities. Granted, Teacher Sis and I love to encourage each other’s bad behavior. The result of this encouragement looks a lot like this:

We did manage to score quite a bit of treasure in our adventures, though. I scored about $100 worth of iPod nano cases for about two bucks and Teacher Sis scored two purple office chairs, with hydraulics and everything, for roughly $15. Score two for evil. The chairs actually came in quite handy later when, during the game night at White Chocolate’s, we had a chair shortage.

I’m sure there are photos of a few of us trying to build the chairs. It was pretty humorous to watch 4 grown men struggle to bolt casters onto a metal frame using the world’s tiniest and most poorly constructed wrenches. The best part was discovering, at the end of the night, that both fully constructed chairs still fit in the back of Teacher Sis’s car. So nice.

Game night was fun, as always. For those of you who could not make it, you were missed. Once you hear about all of the yelling and anger, though, you might be glad you stayed home. Cranium is probably the most well designed game ever. It is a game that, just by default of being called Cranium, threatens everyone’s intelligence. Add liquor to the mix and you have a group of adults who will gladly slit each others throats over one team’s use of an arrow in a drawing challenge where the card specifically said “No Symbols”. Dios mio. Lots of that going on last night. After that, even Scategories got heated. I’m glad we didn’t try to play “Guess Who” or anything else complicated becuase there would have been blood. I just kept waiting for someone to scream “I drink, your milkshake!”. That’s how intense it got at one point.

I’m expecting an email, from Teacher Sis, carrying a photo of us building chairs, but apparently the innernet has stopped. If I get one in a minute, I’ll plaster it up in here. Of course I can’t publish this until the innernet starts again, so…

Anyway, the night wasn’t all yelling and screaming. There was lots of good times to be had, as well. I don’t want to make it sound like we, a group of friends and family, were just at each other’s throats all night, because we weren’t. Overall, I think everyone had a good time.

I’m going to go figure out why the innernet is stopped. It is starting to upset my computer. Hold on…

(insert Muzak version of Stairway to Heaven here)

Okay got it. A little reboot did the trick. I imagine there were cats involved in the stopping of the innernet. The boys have been running laps around the house carrying hair bands, which sounds Metal but isn’t, in their mouths.

Anyways, here’s the photo us standing around like apes before the Monolith trying to assemble chairs:

Okay, well. That’s it for today. I might be stuck on the African continent for most of the day, seeing as how Pancake Land had quite the adventure to Strawberry Hill last night. It’s probably for the best, seeing as how I’ve got stuff to do around the house. One thing that I’m going to do right this second is building up the kitten shanty town so that the boys will stop pestering me. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. TeacherSis says:

    Speaking of “metal” – Tap Tap’s “FUEL” was the shitballs!!!

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