The Showdown.


December 24, 2011 by sandwichcontrol

I’d like to start off today’s post by wishing a very Happy Birthday to Blatzy. Be sure to wish him one as well.

It’s Grismas eve. Is anybody else ready for this to be over yet? You’ll can tell it has been a rough year when the general mantra for Grismas isn’t “Hooray! Presnents!” but is instead “Let’s get this over with.”

Yesterday was a long, frustrating day of tile laying. I tiled the inside of the shower in the master bath of Le Duke’s new house. It was a big dick-jamming session. Imagine if you will a 4 foot by 5 foot room, that’s not perfectly square, and you’re tiling it with 18 inch square tiles. Oh, and you’re not tiling the floor, you’re tiling the walls. Also, at the 54 inch high up mark, you are installing a 4 inch band of decorative glass tile. It was irritating as Hell. But after all the headache, it turned out to look pretty good. I still have to grout it, of course. Next up, tiling the tub area. Goody.

After work, I came home and made pizza. Pancake Land came over to eat with me and we exchanged gifts. It was our own little pajama party. This is going to be a small Grismas, gift count wise, but the gifts are more meaningful this year. I had Dave do a painting of Jenny for her. I framed it and everything, so it is wall ready. She got me a Wii, so that I could get the new Zelda. Sentimental gifts this year. She loved Jenny. I love Zelda. It worked out. The good news is that she managed not to cry when I gave her the painting. It was close, but she held it together. Then we watched an episode of Roseanne with our pizza dinner and she headed home.

I then got real clothes on and headed over to the Furious/Mick household for a little Grismas vacation friend hangout. Believe me, it was difficult to talk myself out of my pj’s and into street clothes again. It was good, though. Don Chulius and the Baroness Ida von Blitzenstein are in town, as well as Sweetbread and Baby Carrots. So seeing them was a rare treat. As per usual, I captured the gang grade school style. This time we are huddled around the television which was displaying (and which we were ignoring) Troll 2.

I managed to actually capture Little Miss Cotton being still. Granted the other five shots I took she was moving in, but what are you gonna do?

Today is a day of obligatory gift giving. After all, that’s what the Batmas holiday is all about. I need to go find something to take to my family Grismas party. Have a wonderful rest of the day. More soon. ~SC


  1. Dave says:


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