Man, That Beaver Is Totally Street.


August 26, 2012 by sandwichcontrol

Mornin’ kids.

Yesterday was a long day. Class was good, but it was exhausting. By the end of the class day, we were all ready to go. So, I came home and rested for a minute before heading down to meet up with K, Star Noble, and Black Stone for a send off for Star Noble. There were tacos.

There was also crazy drunk guy carrying this:

And then the coining on the expression “totally street” and it’s counterpart “totally adequate”. There was talk of making moonshine from tomatoes. And Midland and Towson making babies and those babies turning into a whole town. I also got this amazing photo of K:

She’s so funny.

After that, I headed back to the house to rest again before Back Alley Trey’s birthday celebration. The Rev. Dark Wombat had been using my house all day as the movie viewing hub for him and the Japanese girls, so they arrived shortly after I got home. They’d gone out for Indian food for dinner. I guess it was at this point that I convinced two of the three girls that I personally knew the Emperor of Japan and that he tested every video game that Japanese companies release. They were dubious until Pretty Love River Tail, who caught on to the joke, backed my story up. “What?! You guys didn’t know that? Yeah, that’s the Emperor’s job.” “Really?!, Wow!” Good times.

Then, we headed over to the FuriousMick Haus for sitting around time. And Mario cart. And stumbling around comedy gold. Then, it was bed time.

I got the luxury of sleeping in today. My class doesn’t start until 1, so I’m getting around as slowly as possible today. Speaking of getting around, I should probably start doing that. I only a little over an hour before I have to use my brain. Enjoy this:

And enjoy the rest of your weekend. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    Dont ever make the mistake of smelling a drunk mans beaver. Trust me, just dont.

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