Skirmisher, Schmirmisher.


February 19, 2014 by sandwichcontrol

All I want to do is sleep.

Why won’t you let me sleep?

So, by the time I was finished working on the Jeep yesterday, I was already exhausted. Then, I went to work out.

During the Batman workout this week, we decided to reward ourselves, for all of our hard work, with some fun. So we beat the crap out of a heavy bag for 15 minutes. During the kicking part of the fun, I stupidly, and accidentally, kicked the bag with my left toes. Dear readers, don’t do this. It is really stupid. In the process of doing this, I bent the toenail on my left big toe backward. It is still attached, but we’ll see for how long. And then there was the blood that glued my sock to my toe. This brings me to one conclusion:

Batman is tougher than me.

That’s no surprise to anyone, myself included, but still. As a scientist, I, apparently, needed proof. Now I have it.

My parents are dead.

My parents are dead!

The good news is that my toe doesn’t hurt or anything. Other than the original shock and humiliation of doing it, I seem to be fine. We’ll see how it is in a day or two.

As for today, well today is the Lord’s day. The day of rest. What Lord? No idea. We should probably pick one to clear up the confusion. Um. . .

How do you like this guy?


That’s Lord Kelvin. As in the guy who discovered the exact temperature of Absolute Zero (-273.15°C or 0 Kelvin). So, from now on, Wednesday is Kelvin Day, our Lord’s day, the day of rest. Since at absolute zero, you can’t do anything. Nothing can.

On my glorious day of rest, I, of course, have tons to do. None of which is working out. Hence, the day of rest.

The Jeep is first up. After that, I am going to attempt to print with some type. We’ll see if this trial run is better than the last. Otherwise, I’m going back to printing at Underground Ink until I get a decent flatbed press.

I also need to to start thinking about printing an anniversary poster for Underground Ink. She turns 5 this year. I’m so excited!

After printing, I plan on eating a good meal. Possibly a whole chicken. And a box of Stove Top. And some asparagus. And some mashed potatoes. With gravy.

Sounds like a plan.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    Ah but at less than zero, you can do lots of coke with the Downey kid.

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