A Day of Ink.


October 29, 2015 by sandwichcontrol

And murder.

I’d like to begin by wishing all of you feline friendly folks out there a happy National Cat Day. Be sure to show your appreciation for those little fuckers that make life bearable. And take comfort in knowing that if you die in the house with your cats, and no one finds you for a few days, your cats will eat you.

I know it helps me sleep better at night.

Yesterday was a good and productive day.

I heard back from the printer in Australia. That’s a no go. No worries. There are plenty of other things in the works right now.

Alexandria is still on to the best of my knowledge.

No word back from the mystery/stranger/photographer/model/person. No surprise there.

And a ton of other stuff that I have no news on yet.

What I do have news on is what I did yesterday.

I printed.

A lot.

I proofed the five Sandragraph blocks that I made on Monday? Was it Monday? Yeah. Monday. Days all blur together. And weeks. And years.

Anyway. Moving on.

I printed stuff.

The first thing I printed was this postcard:

Recess Postcard

I’ve been wanting to print that for a while now. So I did.

Then I started in on the proofing of the blocks.

The first one I did was the ribbon and feathers block…

Ribbon and Feathers

It’s all right. Not my favorite, but I can make it work I think. I love how the ribbon and the feathers turned out, I’m just not crazy about the layout and the texture.

Next up I printed the large Gingko block…


This one makes me very happy.

Next I printed the sequins block…


That one is a bit more subtle than I expected. I mean subtle and sequins don’t normally go together in the same sentence. But therein lies the beauty of the Sandragraph. It will always surprise you in the most peculiar ways.

Finally, I printed the two smaller blocks. Although I printed them separately, I photographed the proofs together so as to not show you two photos of mostly table.

Yarn and Gingko

Both of them please me greatly. I love the variation of color between the two prints. That’s the same color ink on all of the proofs. One color. Go back and admire the variations now.

Pretty great stuff, right?

After that, it was mostly “Career of Evil” for the rest of the day. I’ve officially reached the halfway point. It’s intense. The book is. I’ve had to stop a few times and take a breather. I’m not to the point of having to take a chill pill, but the thought crossed my mind a time or two.

I rounded the evening out with catch up on stories with the Rev. Dark Wombat.

And software updates.

Today is the day of thunder. I’m about to head to my bank run and beyond.

I’m going to attempt to make a few more blocks today with the goal of proofing them tomorrow.

We shall see how my plans get interfered with.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    I read that as “that make life UNbearable.”
    Also, those ginko prints are the shit. I want one. Specifically that long one.

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