Plippity, Ploppity, Poop.


September 14, 2018 by sandwichcontrol

And other tales of seeing sounds.

I’d like to begin this morning by wishing a very Happy Birthday to King. Be sure to wish her one as well.

Yesterday was like whoa.

I got up at 3:30am to take Jitterbug to the airport.

Then I drove home, made the post, ate breakfast, and did my daily early morning rituals all before 7am.

Dave and Little Miss Cotton stopped by to drop that Roch boy off around then.

I went to my bank run for Jeezus at 8.

I ran errands, replaced Jitterbug’s bathroom faucets, did my work-work, failed at napping, and then ran more errands.

I rounded the day out with Gabbtheblabb’s first volleyball game.

Thursday thought I was gonna throw it a heater and just crash and burn early.

But I threw it a curveball instead…

Thursday, September 13

I will say that the regular updates on Jitterbug’s adventures with Umbrella Killa really made me laugh and smile a lot. Those two are hilarious.

Also, because I love when things that I really enjoy merge together, check out this trailer for a new Coen Bros. movie for Netflix that has Tom Waits in it…

I. Am. Stoked.

I’ll get you a Heinie.

Today is Friday.

It is going to be another long one.

I’m about to head to workout.

Then breakfast and shower.

Then coffee with the Blacksmith.

Then work errands.

More work errands.

And some work errands.

Possibly some stories with the Rev. Dark Wombat.

Then I’m going to enjoy a quiet evening with my comics.

Tomorrow Teacher Sis and I are going to IKEA for the day to stock up on stuff for her classroom and early Grismas prep.

Sunday I’ve got housework, dogs, and retrieving Jitterbug from the airport.

No rest for the wiry.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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