Greasy Ringlets.


October 25, 2021 by sandwichcontrol

In my hair and in my mouth.

The word of the day is: Steenie.


noun 1. A celestial cat deity of love.  2. A supreme being.  3. An cotton omnipresence that fills you with warmth, wisdom and goodness 4. Not a ruler but inspires one to rule themselves by finding their true power 5. A cat, who’s existence and meaning is indescribable  6. OUR great love 

I started yesterday cleaning up Walter’s pee.

While I was doing that, he was busy taking a giant dump on the floor in the next room.

I must’ve been crowding him with my pee mopping.

He had to go the other room.

After I cleaned the giant dump I mopped up the cat’s pee.

Walter is just a baby who doesn’t know anything.

That’s a bit harsh.

He may know like two things.

The cats, on the other hand, are just fucking spiteful, little assholes.

That’s how the day started.

It didn’t really get worse.

More like it just maintained that level of irritation for the next few hours.

I finally just had to put my headphones on and hide from everything and everyone.

I spent that time clearing out the mountain of crap that had amassed just inside the carport door.

So when we go out there at 5am to workout, we now won’t have to run an obstacle course just to get to the workout area.

And I’m not talking a fun obstacle course like on “Wipe-Out!”.

I’m talking like North Vietnamese army-style obstacle course.

Lots of machetes and sharp bits.

It really didn’t feel like I had a weekend at all.

It’s probably because I worked all weekend.

That might have something to do with my feeling that way.

And use in crying over spilt milk.

It’s Monday.

And we work on Mondays.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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