Searching… Seek And Destroy.


August 19, 2011 by sandwichcontrol

Holy crap, we’ve got a lot going on today and not a lot of time to talk about it. First, off the bat today I would like to wish a great big Happy Birthday to both Crackoline Clifton Monte Carlo and Amy the Amazing. Be sure to wish them a happy one as well.

Today is Friday and that means my new article is up on the City Wire. If you would like to read it, click here: Flying Appendage Royalty. If you would not like to read the article, do not click the friggin’ link.

I slept like a very deep, very expensive, very dry hole in the ground (not well) last night. That should explain why I’m grumpy and pressed for time this morning. Why I’m so rugged and handsome, I still have not figured out. All I know is that there are a lot of videos for today’s post. So get ready.

First, My Drunk Kitchen released a handful of new videos yesterday. One is on the Harto website, and the other two are on YouTube. I’ll be putting up the newest episode on here, but feel free to check out the other ones, as they are also excellent. So, have some Latkes:

I’m a big fan of her impersonation of her Grandmother. Also, since La Duchess has returned to the ranch she has rediscovered her email and I’ve been flooded with cool new things. Such as this prime example of what I want my Daily Photos to be when they grow up: Levitations.

Then there’s this instructional video from Terry Gilliam on how to make your own animations:

I told you there was a lot going on. Yesterday I was so focused on getting those fish plates packed up, I totally forgot my lunch appointment with Mike Tango. I also forgot to fax my time sheet in. I was very focused. I did remember to talk to Le Duke’s class about a handbuilding workshop that I’m going to have next Saturday. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and decided to give it a shot. I’ll see how many people have signed up when I get to the studio in a few minutes. On that note, I should probably hit the road. One last thing before I go:

Scary good stuff. Have a wonderful day. More soon. ~SC


  1. Dave says:

    That Terry Gilliam vid is amazing . I just showed Taco Planet that Tom Waits/Cookie Monster mash yesterday. Killer editing job.

  2. TeacherSis says:

    Sea Salt – Because you are a little bitch.

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