The Creeper.


March 6, 2015 by sandwichcontrol

Those are those days that go slowly and then, all of the sudden, they’re over.

That was yesterday.

It just crept up on me. And then it was bedtime.

I got the results back on my blood work. Everything was fine. My doctor told me that I should drink more water and stay hydrated. I told her that I already drink a gallon a day. If I’m not hydrated or if I need to drink more, we might have a problem.

She hasn’t replied back to me yet.

I am just going to keep drinking my gallon a day.

I also got the second run done on J-Bird’s poster. Now it has stars…

Poster Run Two

Now I have to wait on my linoleum to get carved so I can do the final run.

The good news is that I can return the wood type that I borrowed. The bad news is that I’ll be without an 8-line apostrophe until I get down to Shooting Star.

Today is going to be yet another hectic day. I don’t even really know all that is happening, I just know that a lot of things are happening. And that I am involved in their happening. Which is good? I suppose.

Anyway, since things aren’t going to happen without me today, I should go see to them.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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