Wait, What Did I Do Yesterday?


July 26, 2012 by sandwichcontrol

I’m having a hard time remembering yesterday. 

Oh, that’s right. I remember now. I purged duplicate music from the collection. I made it through A and B before my eyes stopped focusing and my hand cramped up. Only 24 more letters to go. I am dreading M, S, and T. I know for a fact that the overlap in Tom Waits albums is going to be brutal. Just with the 2 letters that I have gone through, I removed nearly 6 days worth of music. Jeezus.

After that fun time, I went to lunch with Word to Me and Teacher Sis in honor of T.S’s birfday. Then, I went by Lippincottonia to pick up a few things and to ship some packages. Then, I sat around. I think I took a shower at some point, too. I even managed to get to bed at a decent hour. I wouldn’t say that I got to sleep at a decent hour, but I did get to bed at one.

I also spent a good part of the day trying to plan a few trips before school starts. I’m trying to have a few last adventures before I get pinned down for the next 8 months. Why? Because I’m about to embark on a 32 week session of kicking ass and chewing bubble gum in order to get my stupid degree. I need 27 credit hours to get my Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Organizational Leadership with a Minor in History. It sounds way more impressive than it actually is. It just means that I took a lot of classes that don’t add up to any focused education and therefore I can try to help others be focused. Something like that. Oh, that reminds me. I need to order my books for the fall.

Today, I’ve got a meeting. Bum, bum, buh. Yeah, it’s been a minute since I’ve had one of those. This meeting should get everybody back on the same page. It should also inform my ability to take these trips that I’ve been researching. No pressure or anything.

What trips have I been looking at? Well, there’s this:

And then there’s this:

And this:

And since I’m in the area, this:

And what excellent adventure would be complete without this magical shit:

And of course Paris and London. But, since school starts in less than a month, and I actually have stuff to do before then, I’m probably not going to make it to all of these. I guess I’ll just have to draw from a hat to see where I’m going. Of course all of these dreams could come crashing down in about an hour, but I can dream until then.

Okay, well I’d better go get ready for this thing. Have a good day fantasizing about your vacation. More soon. ~SC


  1. Dave says:

    I’d be happy to travel to a few of those places in your stead. You know, to help alleviate the pressures of planning all those trips.
    Dibs on the Virgin Islands. Trust me, I know what to do with them.

  2. Duchess says:

    Where’s the starbucks?

    You might get Peter and/or me to go visit Irma.

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