It’s My Party And I’ll Not Invite People If I Want To.


March 30, 2011 by sandwichcontrol

So, as some of you know, because you have calenders, but most of you were reminded via the FaceBook (sigh), yesterday was my birthday. I want to say thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes and whatnot. So, thank you. Anywho, I am now officially a 30-something. I still have to get up at the ass crack of dawn so it doesn’t feel too differently than being a 20-something.

Yesterday consisted of a mixed bag of birthday surprises. I got out of Microbiology early, but had to stand in the rain for ten minutes waiting on security to let me in the Letterpress shop. I got a handful of birthday checks in the mail, but then the IRS took the full $784 (instead of the new amended amount) out of my bank account.

After studying about lymph and printing all day, I headed to the house to rest a little bit before dinner at Teacher Sis’s house. I sat and read some Harry Potter until my sweet lady came home. (On a weird note, it just so happened to be Harry’s birthday in the book.) Anyways, Pancake Land had her first day at work and she staggered in about 45 minutes after I got home and was mumbling something about there not being any breaks between 8am and 5pm. She also mumbled something about scarfing down her lunch during the kids “nap time”. That was it. The only time she got to sit down all day. So, needless to say, I left her on the couch to take a nap while I went to gorge myself in honor of, well, myself.

Teacher Sis continues to outdo herself. She made me chicken cordon bleu, smashed taters, asparagus, and yeast rolls for dinner. From scratch. Not to mention that she taught school all day. And she made me a cake:

I have to give props to Bubba Fett for his idea of putting the Triforce on the cake.

"Ith thith cake foe me?"

In addition to my feast, I also raked in the treasures. Word to Me got me a cookbook by Patti LaBelle, which I am still trying to wrap my head around. Teacher Sis and her crew got me a bag of goodies from the World Market:

And yes, that’s Tahini for me to make hummus with. At this point I was totally satisfied with my gift haul, but T.S. took it up yet another notch by getting me this:

Wow. I can feel your seething jealous all the way through the innernet. It turns out that I’m not the only one turning 30 this year, so is Pac-Man. I have been wanting these notebooks since I first saw them, but could bring myself to spend that kind of money on something I wouldn’t use. So, being a great enabler, Teacher Sis got them for me. She did, however, make me promise that I’ll actually use them.

If you didn’t remember my birthday, it isn’t a big deal. Really. I mean, just as long as you know that a computer at Starbucks sent me a card and is, therefore, a better friend than you. I can live with it, if you can.

Well, enough about my stupid birthday. I’ve got to go to work now. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Duchess says:

    I wanted to sendyou a happy birthday. I thought about it often. I didn’t get reminded on face book but on my very own calendar. but here’s the deal. Did I actually ever send the e-mail to you???

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