The Adventures In Microwave Cooking.


December 21, 2011 by sandwichcontrol

Yesterday was a day. Nothing particularly bad happened. Nothing particularly good happened. It was just a day. I guess that can be said about Tuesdays in general, though. I went to work at the studio and started packing up orders again. I shipped one out and got a call from K at the letterpress shop requesting my presence. So, I headed over there. I was there less than two hours and still somehow managed to stain the edges of all of my fingernails black with ink and grease. Then back to the studio for theater block fun times.

After work Teacher Sis and I scrounged up as much enthusiasm as we could in order to get another restaurant in before the holidays sweep in like a rainstorm. After collecting our energy we proceeded to strike out twice on restaurants before driving to… well, I won’t spoil it. You’ll just have to tune in next week for my article.

After dinner she drug me to Savers to look at this busted up old N64 that her kids were interested in. Like I said, it was busted up. Then she proceeded to the books section against her better judgement and wound up buying two complete series of books. I stayed strong and managed not buy to multiple updated editions of “Montgomery Ward’s Adventures in Microwave Cooking”.

But who cares about my boring ass day yesterday? I mean really? What we need to be talking about is this:

Peed. My. Pants.

I’d love to stay and chat, but there’s work to be done. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    About the Hobbit movie-spoiler alert Bilbo finds a ring!

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