And Prudently Use It In Accordance With The Requirements Herein.


August 28, 2012 by sandwichcontrol

Yesterday was a good day. Granted, Tuesday’s have become my new Mondays, so it’s no surprise.

I could talk about how ridiculous it is that I went to the gym last night or about how much I am dreading Fundamentals of Economic Analysis for the Workplace tonight, but for once I’m going to let the obvious be just that. And not beat you over the head with it. Instead, I’m going to just note that my Social Psychology professor told us in class yesterday that he used to, and still does on nostalgic occasion, listen to these guys:

Something about that both surprised me and, at the same time, didn’t surprise me at all. I think just hearing a professor in this town say the phrase “Throbbing Gristle” was enough to make 90% of my classmates’s heads explode. Every great once in a while I get a teacher that I can relate to. And this is one of them. Not that I grew up listening to Industrial or anything, but he definitely can relate to being outside “the norm” as an adolescent.

In other news, I got a new toy yesterday. As most of you know, I use an electric cigarette all the time. It keeps me from going on a murder spree. It is my medicine. Well, I’ve been curious about other e-smoking gadgetry for a while now. In particular, I’ve been wanting a pipe. I smoked a pipe for a while a few years back, and have been thinking that I might like to start again. I mentioned this to Jackie the Mick and he immediately pointed me in the right direction. I found what I was looking for! And I ordered it and it arrived yesterday. It is going to take some time getting used to it, but it is awesome. Here:

Isn’t it cool. I’m sure you’ll be seeing in the Daily Photos soon enough.

Well kids, I’ve got to go get showered and dressed and head to a meeting. Have a wonderful day despite having to learn Economic Analysis. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    Your prof is officially OK in my book. This can only lead to other discoveries like Nurse With Wound or Psychic TV or Coil.
    Also, dayum that pipe is sweet.

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