15 Burger-free Years.


June 25, 2015 by sandwichcontrol

The last time I ate a McDonald’s hamburger, in the United States, was in the year 2000.

Let that sink in for a minute.

I’d like to pause for a moment and wish a very Happy Birthday to Carolina Djembalaya. Be sure to wish her one as well.

So, back to the hamburger thing. Yeah, that blew my mind a little bit when I put that all together in my brain. 15 years without eating a McD’s burger. Weird.

Granted, I’ve eaten at McDonald’s. But mostly breakfast or McNuggets. And always while traveling. And I tried a burger at McDonald’s in Japan, but it was just… different.

I haven’t eaten the fries there since then either. Hash browns? Yes. Fries? No.

Anyway, just had that realization the other day and thought I’d share.



Yesterday, I was exhausted from not getting enough sleep. And then I went to work. In the heat. Luckily, Clipkid and I finished painting the deck before 11am. And when I say finished, I mean that we are done until my bosses decide they don’t like this color either and then we get to start painting it all over a again. Like Sisyphus.



After painting, it was lots of running around, a shower, and then more furniture dealings. Then tacos. Glorious tacos.

Today is Thursday.


Lemme check to make sure.

Okay. Yes it is. Whew!

I’ve got loads of normal Thorsday stuff to do today.

Tomorrow, is more furniture. And Saturday, too.

Wish me luck!

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. Dave says:

    Got you beat. I haven’t eaten a McDonalds burger since I was thirteen. So…1985ish. I was always more of a Burger King guy myself. Couldn’t even tell you when the last time I had anything from them was.

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