The Reasoning.


June 1, 2018 by sandwichcontrol

Behind the invention of the couch.

Why do we have friends?

So that we have someone to help us move our crap when we change houses.


And they’re gonna want to sit somewhere when they drink the cheap beer you’re paying them to lug a fridge up two flights of stairs.

Having a single chair just won’t do.

Better make a really long chair.

We can call it a “couch”.

And our friends can carry that up the stairs, too.

Yesterday was a lot.

So much ice.

So much La Croix.

I was all over the place.

But I got a lot done.

And I walked a lot.

It was super gross outside, so I took every opportunity I could to hang out under a fan…

Thursday, May 31

If for no other reason than to dry my clothes out for a minute.

Today is Friday. And it’s June.


I think I get paid today. Whoo.

I’ve got a handful of stuff to do, but it’s not supposed to exceptionally crazy.

Fingers crossed.

Tonight I’ve got to pick up my packet for the 5k.

Tomorrow morning is the run.

And then I’m going to eat a pizza and read comics.

I might work with Teacher Sis on her classroom.

I might go see a movie with Lightning Blackwood.

I have no idea.

I’m gonna go workout out now.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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