You Know You’re Gassy When…


August 24, 2020 by sandwichcontrol

Your poop looks like you swallowed a whole Alka-seltzer.

So many air bubbles.

I don’t know if you’ve ever taken a fizzy shit before, but it’s an experience riddled with mixed emotions.

What a brief, but restful weekend.

Mostly we worked around the house.

I mowed the grass.

Until I broke the mower.

Then I when inside to cool down.

And fell asleep looking at my phone in my chair…

Then I woke up and made barbecue chicken sandwiches for everybody.

On Sunday we puttered around the house some more.

Not a lot of reading, but I did get some audiobook time in.

And I made myself recumbent as often as possible…

I’ve decided to stop taking melatonin to help me sleep because I’ve found some new research that’s saying the longer you take it, the less likely your body is to produce it naturally.

Which means I’d be deciding to take a supplement every night forever.

For. Ev. ERRR.

ANd as much as I like falling asleep quickly because of it, I don’t like the idea of not sleeping just because I forgot to take it or I ran out.

So we are trying other alternatives.

I’ll let you know how that works out for me.

Last night I drank the sleepy tea from TAZO.

It was pretty good.

Not sure how much of my sleepiness was because of that or my general tiredness.

Who the fuck knows?

All I know is that if it helps me sleep more naturally, placebo effect or not, I’m game.

So far, so good.

I mean, I like having a cuppa tea in the evenings anyway.

It doesn’t hurt my feelings if it makes me sleepy as a bonus.


Today is Monday.

I have loads to sort out for the week.

And the first thing is a cup of coffee.

See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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