Pittsburg Motor Works?


September 29, 2020 by sandwichcontrol

Or Western Auto Partners?

Yesterday was motherfucking Monday.

And it went hard.

I don’t think any piece of modern technology worked the way it was supposed to.

Networks, printers, grocery scanners, websites, all of it.

Hell, even the entirety of Microsoft Office crapped its pants.

For everyone using it.


As the day wore on, I just got grumpier and grumpier.

I blame a combination of the ever growing headache, the fact that I kept getting delayed reading the last 20 pages of “Troubled Blood”, and being constantly hungry.

That stacked on top of nothing working.

I did have a good run, though.

I managed to not need to poop until well after I was done running.

It’s the small victories.

There are few things as awful as having to take a shit 2.5 miles into a 5 plus mile run in a port-a-potty in a parking lot in total darkness.

Is that pee I just sat in or is my ass really that sweaty?

And you can forget about wiping sweat from your face with your hands for the next three-ish miles.

Sweat’s going in your eyes and there’s nothing you can do about it.

But, alas, that was one problem that I didn’t have yesterday.

Needless to say, but I was fucking exhausted by the end of the day…

Today is Tuesday.

And the errands are already pouring in from clients.


See ya’ tomorrow.

More soon. ~SC


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