Oh, The Horror.


August 22, 2012 by sandwichcontrol

I’d like to start out today by wishing a very Happy Birthday to Mama Wombat, Taco Planet, and Operation B in no particular order. Be sure to wish them one as well.

So, do you remember how excited I was about my classes that I had on Monday? Well, now imagine the opposite of that emotion. Now set that on fire and cover it with bees. That was my Tuesday class. Imagine if nightmares had nightmares. Now, take the nightmare’s nightmares and make Lego blocks out of them. Now, take those Lego nightmare blocks and build a full-size replica of Mt. Rushmore. That is the horror that I face on Tuesdays for the next 15 weeks. Nightmares, dude. Nightmares.

Speaking of nightmares, I slept for crap last night. Maybe it was a combination of the class and the super nachos that I comforted myself with after class, but whatever it was it was terrible. Then, I woke up to Maiden and all was better. “Children of the Damned” to be exact.

Speaking of children, my Math girlfriend released a new video yesterday. You know, for the children. Peep this:


Okay, I’ve got to go get myself cleaned off so that I’m presentable for my classes today. Lots of reading happening today. Reading about history. Reading about psychology. Reading about economics. Reading about football. Then, arrows, dinner, the gym, and sleep.

Try to avoid nightmares. More soon. ~SC

1 comment »

  1. jessica says:

    She holds her pencil incorrectly. I see nothing else.

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